Upcoming Prescribed Fire Events in CA

Filtering by: “Rx fire”

Coalesce: A Basic Wildland Fire Fighter Training

Coalesce: A Basic Wildland Fire Fighter Training

This is a joint extravaganza to both officially train you—our next cohort of certified prescribed fire participants—and for the public to come and learn about prescribed fire, how it is conducted, projects happening around the region, partners working on fire management issues and to celebrate with community!

The Basic Wildland Firefighter Training (FFT2) is a two-part course: online coursework and arduous pack test required prior to attending the in person field course. By the end of the field day, students will have basic wildland firefighter certifications and will be fully qualified to participate on any future cooperative burns across the region. Skills acquired at the training include fireline communications, gear and equipment, how prescribed fire ignitions are run, how to operate a pump and install a hoselay, and so much more!

Join the effort to make a difference in your community and celebrate this time of cohesion and empowerment: become a certified basic wildland firefighter, get to know your local firefighters and fire practitioners, peruse outreach tables about wildfire preparedness, home hardening, defensible space, and learn about what your community and regional neighbors are doing to address a rapidly changing future. Training ends at 5PM followed by a community celebration from 5 - 8PM. Lunch provided during the training, dinner voucher provided for evening event.

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